Joy Heynsbergh


I am Joy Heynsbergh, welcome to my website and all things news in my world.

I have been a holistic therapist for 18 years.

My healing journey first started when I completed my Masters in Reiki in 2003 after suffering bouts of depression. Prior to my learnings I went in and out of dark spaces and was on medication for about 3 years.

The day I said ‘no more’ changed my life.

Reiki was just the beginning of my healing journey of self-love, discovery, and growth. Since then, I have studied other holistic therapies such as:

  • Reflexology,
  • Massage,
  • Bowen,
  • Coaching,
  • Hypnosis
  • and Rahanni Healing

Reflexology, Massage and Bowen are beautiful therapies in which I combine my healing modality Reiki to give the sessions so much more power on a deep healing level. My treatments are combined using essential oils and music tailored to each individual client which makes the session more personal.

Coaching has led me onto many other modalities including Hypnosis. With coaching & hypnosis my sessions have seen powerful shifts of unwanted emotions, limiting beliefs and mindsets. I work with clients who suffer from anxiety and depression. I also see clients that either work with other therapists or have seen other therapist and have not been able to achieve the results they have wanted. My sessions are all personalized to the clients’ needs to get them into a flowing state.

Rahanni healing is a beautiful gentle healing modality which creates balance in the body and works on the 5th Dimension by working with the heart chakra. After I received my first Rahanni healing my heart opened to receive so much more harmony and balance into my life. Because of that experience I was called to study and practice this beautiful modality.

Rahanni clears negativity and fear from the heart centre and works on balancing the masculine and feminine energy. It is incredibly powerful yet so gentle. Rahanni clears pathways so we can live our true essence by releasing the past.

I have created an 8 Week Self Love Program where we dive deep into the mind, body and soul to release anything that no longer serves our higher good. In this program there are many opportunities for healing and clearing where we start to learn to love ourselves on such a deeper level.
I created this Program as after learning so much throughout my years of study and then taking the time to work on my own self by understanding my relationships and acknowledging when and why it was that I stopped (probably never really) loved myself fully. Taking the time to do this has been such a valuable and rewarding experience for me and is something that I am passionate about passing on to others who need to work on their self-love.

Recently I have created my program “Creating Your Little Miracle” to support couples and individuals in preparing their body for a pregnancy.

This program has been created from my heart as I have my own story related to pregnancy, miscarriage, and IVF.  With my personal experiences combined with my healing knowledge I have learnt how emotions can affect the body when trying to fall pregnant. This has given me a better understanding of how beneficial it is to have the right mindset and a clear emotional state when preparing the mind and body for conception.  

In the last few years, I have become more and more aware of how powerful the mind really is and how emotions work and are stored in our bodies. This has now inspired me to create this program. My aim is to not only to support couples and individuals with preparing their body for pregnancy but also as a support for couples and individuals going through IVF.

I am so passionate about my program that I my dream it to teach it to other Practitioners.

The last few years have been such a valuable period of expansion in which I have learnt so much about myself on a much deeper level. I have grown so much as a person and through my journey I have gained the knowledge and tools to support other people on their journeys.

Now I want to share my learnings with as many people that I can and support them in their healing journey and their self-growth.  

I am very passionate about what I do and my aim is to have that flowing through to my clients.

If you would like to learn more about what I do and what services I have to offer, click here

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